1 - General Introduction

Alexander Hamilton

November 10, 2020

As anyone even half awake can clearly see, the government under the Articles of Confederation is comically ineffective. But, now we have the opportunity to start again with a new Constitution of the United States, if we choose it. This isn’t just another ballot measure. We’re talking about the very fate of the country. No, not just the country. We’re deciding the fate of all mankind. The United States, the most interesting country in the world if I do say so myself, is the country to which all others look for an example. They look to us and our example, especially on the question of whether a government can be established by deliberate thought and choice, or if all governments must always be the result of accident and force. We cannot fail in our consideration of the constitution. The world is watching.

If this is all true, then we are being philanthropists and not just patriots, and all good and wise people will take extra care to make the right choice. Hopefully our choice will be based on what is actually best for us, without any bias for special interests. But I dream. The Constitution affects so many special interests and changes so much of how we are governed even locally, that we won’t be able to discuss the choice of adopting the Constitution based only on the merits of the Constitution; the biases of the special interests will certainly make their way into the conversation.

There are people today who will lose power, position, pay, and influence if the new Constitution is adopted. There are others who hope to profit from the confusion and chaos that will ensue if the Constitution is not adopted. Don’t think that they will not put up a fight.

But let’s not think too much about that. It’s not fair for us to say that, just because a person has a lot to lose by the adoption of the Constitution, that they will necessarily oppose it. And those who do oppose the Constitution may do so with the best of intentions. There are so many powerful and persuasive forces that bias our judgment. There are good people on both sides of every argument, so don’t be so quick to judge those on the other side, and don’t be too sure that you are always right. And just because someone happens to be on the right side of an issue does not mean that they are there for good reasons. Jealousy and greed work just as well on the right as the wrong side of an issue. Be tolerant of other people, because you won’t convince anyone to come to your side by persecution or intimidation.

And yet, this will happen in the argument over the Constitution just as it does in every other matter of national importance. Loud and angry comments will spew forth, trying to convince everyone that a vote for the Constitution and a strong central government is a vote for despotism. They’ll tell you that you’ll lose your liberty if you support the Constitution. They are so concerned with the rights of the people, or claim to be for the sake of popularity, that they ignore what is best for the people. They forget that a strong, healthy government is the best chance we have of preserving the people’s rights. Historically, the most certain road to despotism is by an overzealous defense of liberty, not by way of a firm and efficient government. The worst tyrants start out as the greatest champions of the people’s rights.

My purpose in writing all this is my hope that you will not be duped. This is an important matter, and I hope you will let yourself be guided only by the truth. Seek the truth. I have to be honest, and it’s probably pretty clear at this point: I am very much in favor of the new Constitution. I’m not going to pretend that I’m still making up my mind, even if that might be a bit more entertaining. I have read the Constitution and given it a lot of thought, and I am quite sure that it is the best bet for our liberty, dignity and happiness. I have my own reasons for feeling this way, which I won’t be sharing. My arguments in favor of the Constitution, however, are open to all. I put them forth, hoping to help you, my reader, find the truth.

The subjects that I will discuss in the following papers are these: — How the UNION will make your life betterHow and why the Articles of Confederation don’t stand a chance to preserve the UNIONHow, if we want to preserve the UNION, we need a government at least as effective as that outlined in the new ConstitutionHow the new Constitution will create a true republican government (lowercase r as in a republic, not the Republican political party)How the new US Constitution is quite similar to the existing New York Constitution — and lastly, How adopting the new Constitution will make a republican government, liberty, and the right to property, so much more likely.

I will also answer any and all objections to the Constitution that may be troubling you.

It may seem unnecessary to prove the importance of the UNION. We all know how important our UNION is. We fought for this. Our brothers and our fathers died for this. And yet, there are those who argue that the 13 states are simply too big for a single republican government. It won’t scale, they say. It’s just whispers now, but the whispers will get stronger until many will openly protest the UNION. As crazy as it sounds, and for anyone who is willing to look at the whole picture, it is crazy, this argument is already gaining traction. So, we will begin by examining the advantages of the UNION, and just what would happen if it were to be dissolved. Particularly, we will look at the problems and dangers each state will face if left to fend for themselves. Spoiler: it’s not good.

Written by Steven Foote

© 2021 Steven Foote